COLDY experience: How to stop controlling your employees and increase the efficiency of your work processes


During the pandemic, COLDY development company switched to the ROWE method of working, which translates to Results Only Work Environment.And this system proved so effective that they decided to keep it even after the removal of the restrictive measures. Evgeniya Lemekhova, COLDY HR Director, explained what ROWE is and how it works in RusBase op-ed

ROWE method is based on revision of the approach to workflow organization and creation of an alternative to the outdated fixed working hours regime for those employees who do not have it as a mandatory requirement. Practical implementation of ROWE contributes to the achievement of greater results by creating a comfortable working environment for employees and a trust-based relationship with them.

The essence of this method is simple: the employee chooses where and how much they work. However, the scope of work, the required result and the deadline are clearly stated. Thus, while formally remaining within the eight-hour workday, the COLDY team works in an environment and a schedule that everyone chooses for themselves: in an office, co-working space, apartment or lakeside country house. This phenomenon of office worker behavior was documented as early as 1919 and remains with us today. Feelings of anxiety and apathy reduce employee productivity and employer loyalty.

When implementing the ROWE method, we changed the managerial approach to workflow organization. It reduces to the manager setting a task, stipulating a deadline and establishing the principle of interaction (the necessity to stay in touch or the lack of such necessity, for example). The implementation process is the personal responsibility of the task performer. If the full scope of work is completed on time or more expeditiously, a decision is made to award bonuses to such employees.

For more information on how ROWE principles have changed the company's approach to recruitment, team climate and overall performance see the full version  of the material on RusBase.